1. AWAKENING Devi 1 Day Workshop

Have been running successfully in cities like Mumbai, Pune, Navi Mumbai, and Jaipur
Learn various techniques of:
a) Asana : Learn the various asanas which will help in activating your inner power.
b) Meditation : Breathing techniques / Vipassana
c) Yoga Nidra : Learn how to get the benefits of a 4 hours of sound sleep in just 20 mins of Yoga Nidra session
d) Nauli Kriya : Learn the basics of Nauli Kriya
e) Pranayam : Learn various techniques of Anulom-Vilom , Ujjayi,
f) Matrasparsh Meditation (The power of touch) : Learn the basics of Matrasparsh meditation

2. Awakening Devi Intense 3 days Workshop

In this intense 3 days long workshop, you will learn all the below practices with proper knowledge given to you and you learn to practice with ease and naturally.Proper focus will be given to all the individuals in achieving the practices.Learn various techniques of:

a) Meditation : Breathing techniques / Vipassana

b) Yoga Nidra : Learn the Basics and Advance of Yoga Nidra, learn how to get the benefits of a 4 hours of sound sleep in just 20 mins of Yoga Nidra session

c) Nauli Kriya : Learn the Basics and Advance of Nauli Kriya.

d) Pranayam : Learn various techniques of Anulom-Vilom , Ujjayi, Bhramari

e) Matrasparsh Meditation (The power of touch) : Learn the advance stages of Matrasparsh meditation

f) Bandha And Mudras :

Learn various Bandhas like Mool Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhar Bandha and Mahabandha.

Learn Various Mudras Like Gyan Mudra in Padmasan, Padma Mudra In Padmasan.

g) Motivational Get-Together : We inspire you to achieve and express your inner potential.You learn to release your blockages and karmic patterns.

h) Celebrations : We celebrate Connection, Expression And Joy with all.

3. Nauli Kriya Workshop

For all the Nauli Kriya enthusiasts can learn the basics and advance of Nauli Kriya by Sarika Saxena.

You learn :

1. Uddiyana Bandha (Preparatory practice for Nauli Kriya)

2. Agnisar Kriya (Preparatory practice for Nauli Kriya)

3. Madhya Nauli (Projection of the middle recti muscle or middle abdomen)

4. Vama Nauli ( Projection of left side of the abdomen)

5. Dakshin Nauli ( Projection of the right side of the abdomen)

6. Nauli Sanchalan ( Marching of the left -right and right -left of the abdomen)

7. Nauli Chalan ( Churning of the abdomen or Complete close-wise and anti-clockwise movement of the abdomen)