Spiritual Counselling

Spiritual Counselling helps us get in touch with our own powers of thinking, feeling, deciding, willing, and acting. Spirituality and religion are critical sources of strength for many and are the bedrock for finding meaning in life, and can be instrumental in promoting healing and well-being.  

Spiritual Counselling helps you tune yourself while walking along the path, no matter what your method is. The essential thing to understand is that you can seek help & guidance as all roads essentially lead to one destination that we seek.

At Devisutra, Sarika’s vision is to provide progression to all the serious seekers who wish to uplift themselves from the fallacies of the past, confusion of the present to an ever illuminating future. These sessions may also have participation from certain subject matter specialists to further the seekers experience and provide for wholesome environment of personal and professionL growth & understanding.

These sessions will also include a detailed element of healing & meditation to establish the firm foundation for future of any seeker.


  • Personal Growth
  • Professional Growth
  • Sexual Energy Correction
  • Resolve Relationship Issues
  • Resolve Money Blockages
  • Energy Awakening (Vital Life Force)
  • Removal of Old Mental Blockages

Please note that these sessions shall be conducted in a personal environment.