Yogic techniques for stress release

We do it mindlessly, over and over, but with a little thought, the process of breathing can be transformative. At Devisutra, we take this approach to a new dimension by combining breathing kriyas like pranayamas, mindfulness meditations and healing sessions to custom fit your requirements as the challenges you face are many and so does our approach here at Devisutra to work on your wellbeing.

You can expect these sessions to be ultra-comforting with adept supervision at all times by Sarika, who takes you through the paces on or customized pranayama suit developed specifically to help you release the blockages that consciously or otherwise prove to be a hindrance towards a complete life you envision for yourself. 

Next, comes our meditation routines that instill a sense of comfort no matter what comes your way. When we sit for meditation, a straight back is important and that is esoterically teaching you to be unflinching in your quest for the absolute true self which transforms you into a spiritual powerhouse that is not only striving for itself but, also for the greater good thereby broadening your own vision of yourself.

Lastly the healing sessions by Sarika, help you in correcting the past in your present thereby, gifting you a brighter future with your complete self that is moving forward towards a success that is more complete than ever.


  • Releases Body Stress
  • Releases Mental Stress
  • Removes Mind-Fog & Improves Clarity of Mind
  • Optimal Brain Functioning